Category: DevOps

Category about DevOps tutorials, technology.

Git clone repository to your computer. After you have created the repository, how do you work with it now? This article, I will guide you to use Git to clone the repository to your computer. You need to install Git on your computer to use it. Recommended Reading: How to install GIT version control system? Get

Create the first repository on Gitlab. In this article, I will guide you to create your first project. This will be where you store the code for your first project. Register for a free account on Gitlab First, you need to access this link and register for a free account. For personal use, store individual

How to install GIT version control system? In this article, I will show you how to install Git version control system on your computer. First, I have to admit that I am a fan of Linux, so I have almost never used MacOS. Install Git on Linux computers I am using Linux Mint operating system

Some platform version control system uses GIT. In this article, I will introduce you to some of the popular version code management platforms. You have read about GIT, you have heard me write that your code will be saved to the cloud. So what is that cloud? Where is it? Version code management platform There

What is GIT and Version Control System? Today, I will introduce you to Version Control System and GIT. So what are these things? What is Version Control System? If you are a programmer, you are familiar with Version Control System (VCS). But if not, please ask the following questions to understand what VCS is. Question

How to list the tag of a container image? In the previous article, you already know what the tag of an image container is. On the Docker Hub website, you can see all the tags easily. But if you use the search command, how can you list all tags of an image? Docker registry API

This article will show you how to search for a container image. Thereby you will get the image you need to launch the container. Docker Hub First, I have to talk about Docker Hub. This is a huge Docker library, it contains image containers here and allows you to download. Docker Hub is a place

This article will guide you to install Docker on Linux Mint. Docker is mainly used on Linux computers, including servers and personal computers. Developers can install Docker on their computers and create perfect dev environments. Add Docker GPG key to Linux Mint You can switch to user root to execute commands or use sudo. Update

Recently, you’ve heard a lot about docker. So what is docker? What does it do and why should we use it? Before we find out what it is, let’s see this one first. What is a container? According to information from the docker home page, the container defines the following: A container is a standard

This article will guide you how to install Ansible AWX on CentOS 7. Ansible AWX is an open source software located on top of Ansible, which allows system administrators to manage their IT infrastructure easier. The installation steps in this article have been successfully tested on a 64 bit CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) server.