Category: Linux Tutorials

This category includes installation instructions on linux, sharing linux-related tips.

Let’s Encrypt renew error could not bind to IPv4 or IPv6. If you encounter this error when renewing Let’s Encrypt ssl certificate, maybe this post will help you. This is also an accidental error I encountered when I supported renew for a client server. And of course, the initial Let’s Encrypt installation was not done

Set up Let’s Encrypt Certbot auto renew. This article will guide you to do this. Let’s Encrypt in the past few years is no stranger to website or system administrators. It comes with the Certbot tool, it is very useful and everyone knows that you must use Certbot to renew SSL certificates every 3 months.

How to install Supervisor and manage process in Ubuntu 18? This article, I will guide you to use a tool called Supervisor. This tool allows you to manage processes in Linux. Back in my previous article on MkDocs, you can see that when we run the mkdocs serve command, the process only works at the

How to install mkdocs in Ubuntu server 18.04? MkDocs is a simple tool for building project documents. It uses markdown-style source documents and builds them into HTML documents. In this article, I will not guide you how to write markdown documents. I will guide you to install mkdocs in Ubuntu 18.04 and use it to

Before we go into installing the Rocket Chat system, the first thing to do is to determine the system resource. This article I will talk about sizing the Rocket chat system. Determine the size of your organization You need to determine how many users your company has? 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 or 5000 users.

Have you heard of Rocket Chat? What is it? This article will introduce to you about the Rocket Chat system. Demand from companies Many companies have employees who use Skype to chat with each other, send and receive job information. It is a great tool. But there is a problem, information can be leaked by

This article will guide you how to convert SSL nginx cert to iis cert. Nginx cert and IIS cert Just like converting nginx cert to cert tomcat. Nginx uses the ssl format X.509 format, IIS uses the ssl format PFX format. Recommended Reading: How to convert SSL Nginx cert to Tomcat cert You need to convert

This article will guide you how to convert SSL Nginx cert to Tomcat cert. Nginx cert and Tomcat cert When you buy SSL cert for Nginx web server (or Apache), you usually get 3 files of the following type: STAR_domain.CERT.crt STAR_domain.PRIVATE.key STAR_domain.CA.key Nginx’s ssl cert file uses X.509 format. You can read more about it.

This article, I will show you how to change hostname in CentOS 6. Unlike operating systems that use systemd like CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 16, CentOS 6 will not have the hostnamectl command for you to use. So how do we change the hostname in CentOS 6? Change the hostname temporarily In CentOS there is