Category: Nginx

The category is about nginx web server, a lightweight and powerful software for web server, proxy server, load balancer.

This article will guide you to install the latest Nginx in CentOS 6.10. Although CentOS 7 came out for a while, but still quite a lot of people using CentOS 6. Install the latest Nginx in CentOS 6 You only need to follow the steps in this article, I am sure that you will install

How to install latest Nginx in CentOS 7? This article will guide you step by step to do that. Test environment I will use a Linux machine with the following configuration to test: OS: CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core). HDD: more than 5GB free. RAM: more than 1GB free. User: root. Steps to install the latest Nginx

In this article, I will give you some tips for preparing resources for nginx proxy servers. I will outline some of the goals why I prepared such resources. Recommended server resources System resources for a medium-sized company, according to my experience. You can adjust according to your company scale. OS: CentOS 7.x 64 bit. The

Nginx reverse proxy is increasingly used with the same solution as HAproxy. But how to install nginx reverse proxy multi master? You can find many articles that teach the use of Keepalived to increase the availability of nginx reverse proxy systems. This article will upgrade that to make your system more responsive. Requirements set out

How does nginx redirect a location to another domain? To do this, we only need 1-2 lines of configuration. However, this article will explain to you more about that. The problem One problem here is probably quite a lot of people have been or will be encountering. I have a website, my example is

In this article, I will show you how to install the latest Nginx on Debian 8. By default, for Debian 8, you will install Nginx 1.6.x. So if you want to use the latest Nginx version then how? This article will show you how to do it. Add repository for Nginx The operating system version

In the past, people used to refer to Apache as the most popular web server in the world. Many systems in the world are still using Apache. Time later, Nginx was developed and people started using it more than before. This is because it is better at performance and resource saving. Then, what is nginx?