Tag: centos 7

How to install InfluxDB in CentOS 7? In this article, I will guide you step by step to install InfluxDB time series database in CentOS 7. You can install it for testing before using it. Preparation steps before installation Server information OS: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core). RAM: For testing, you can choose 1GB of

Introduction to InfluxDB time series database. In this article, I will introduce you to InfluxDB. There are many people who have never heard of this type of database. What is time series database? You may have worked with database software such as MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL server. You may be familiar with these types of databases,

How to install CentminMod with PHP 7.3 in CentOS 7? This article will guide you to do that. Let’s start. CentminMod and PHP 7.3 At the time of this article, CentminMod has released the 123.09beta01 beta version. This version supports many things to make your hosting more powerful, including: Nginx 1.17.2 PHP 7.3.7 MariaDB 10.3.16

Install Let’s Encrypt ssl certificate in Zimbra automated. This article, I will guide you step by step to do this. If you don’t know yet, Let’s Encrypt is a free project that provides SSL certificates. This project aims to improve the safety of websites, contributing to making the internet environment safer. Let’s Encrypt’s Certbot installation

In this article, I will guide you to install Zimbra mail server in CentOS 7. Over the last 2 articles in this serie, you have finished preparing the server for installing Zimbra. Now we will do that. Remove Postfix and install dependencies First, you need to turn off the Postfix service if it is running.

In this article, I will show you how to install NTP and DNS for Zimbra mail server. As in the previous article, you have prepared a server to install Zimbra. Now, we will continue to prepare NTP and DNS for mail servers. Install and set up NTP service There is a service that quite a

This article will talk about Prepare to install Zimbra mail server 8.8.12 Introducing Zimbra mail server For those who don’t know about Zimbra, I’ll talk briefly about it so you can understand it. Zimbra is an open source solution for mail servers. You can get used to Gsuite from Google or Microsoft Office 365. For

Before we go into installing the Rocket Chat system, the first thing to do is to determine the system resource. This article I will talk about sizing the Rocket chat system. Determine the size of your organization You need to determine how many users your company has? 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 or 5000 users.

Have you heard of Rocket Chat? What is it? This article will introduce to you about the Rocket Chat system. Demand from companies Many companies have employees who use Skype to chat with each other, send and receive job information. It is a great tool. But there is a problem, information can be leaked by

How to fix error disk read-only in VestaCP server after reboot? Today I will share with you an error I encountered when using VestaCP. Describe the error situation I use a CentOS 7.6.1810 (Core) server and VestaCP 0.9.8-23. Today I modified the nginx file configuration of a website in VestaCP and restarted the server. After