How to install GIT version control system? In this article, I will show you how to install Git version control system on your computer. First, I have to admit that I am a fan of Linux, so I have almost never used MacOS. Install Git on Linux computers I am using Linux Mint operating system

Some platform version control system uses GIT. In this article, I will introduce you to some of the popular version code management platforms. You have read about GIT, you have heard me write that your code will be saved to the cloud. So what is that cloud? Where is it? Version code management platform There

What is GIT and Version Control System? Today, I will introduce you to Version Control System and GIT. So what are these things? What is Version Control System? If you are a programmer, you are familiar with Version Control System (VCS). But if not, please ask the following questions to understand what VCS is. Question

How to set up HTTPS for InfluxDB server? You know, in today’s internet environment, data security is very important. Using HTTPS in database will make the data transfer between client and database server safer. This article will show you how to enable HTTPS in the InfluxDB server. Set up HTTPS for InfluxDB with a self-signed

How to install InfluxDB in CentOS 7? In this article, I will guide you step by step to install InfluxDB time series database in CentOS 7. You can install it for testing before using it. Preparation steps before installation Server information OS: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core). RAM: For testing, you can choose 1GB of

Introduction to InfluxDB time series database. In this article, I will introduce you to InfluxDB. There are many people who have never heard of this type of database. What is time series database? You may have worked with database software such as MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL server. You may be familiar with these types of databases,

How to disable Nginx test page in CentminMod? By default, when you install CentminMod, it will create a Nginx test page. When you access the server’s IP address on the browser, it will display the HTML test page of CentminMod. Is this good? Let’s take a look. Why must disable Nginx test page in CentminMod?

How to remove in CentminMod? When you successfully install CentminMod, you will see that a pre-created domain is Remove in CentminMod When I first used CentminMod, I didn’t know why there was this demo domain mail in my server. I don’t know what it is for. Is it a part of CentminMod

How to disable Pure-FTPD in CentminMod? Pure-FTPD is a service that allows you to create an FTP account on the server. This allows you to connect to the server via the FTP service. And you can upload or download data from the server to your computer easily. Why should we disable the Pure-FTPD service? If

How to change SSH port number in CentminMod? By default, Linux servers use port 22 for SSH service. This is a service for you to login and control your server. And of course, this is known to all hackers. Using that default configuration is not good, is not safe for your server. So you need