Install Zimbra zimlets failed during installation

SystemMen - Zimbra zimlets failed during installation. This is an error that I myself don’t understand why it happened.

In this article, I simply shared my Zimbra installation experience with you.

install-zimbra-zimlets-failed-during-installation Install Zimbra zimlets failed during installation
Install Zimbra zimlets failed during installation.

Zimbra zimlets failed during installation

Actually, I have installed Zimbra many times. And there was only one time I encountered this problem.

What does this error look like.

Installing common zimlets…
	com_zimbra_adminversioncheck…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_attachcontacts…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_attachmail…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_bulkprovision…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_cert_manager…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_clientuploader…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_date…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_email…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_mailarchive…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_phone…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_proxy_config…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_srchhighlighter…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_tooltip…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_url…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_viewmail…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_webex…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zimbra_ymemoticons…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zextras_drive_open…failed. This may impact system functionality.
	com_zextras_chat_open…failed. This may impact system functionality.
Finished installing common zimlets.
Restarting mailboxd…done.
Creating galsync account for default domain…failed.

You can see, the installation of zimlets failed. What could be the cause?

Cause 1: Someone said it was due to SELinux but not. I can confirm that my server has turned off SELinux so it cannot be the reason for this problem.

Cause 2: Is the network connection slow? This I’m not completely sure but I personally think it’s not. Why? Because my server is located in DC with a very strong network, it is impossible.

And cause 3: Server overloaded when installing? This I think is possible. Because during the installation, I paid attention to server performance. While installing Zimbra, the server RAM and CPU are very high. It only drops when the installation finishes. Because I only installed on a small 8GB RAM VPS, this seems to be most possible.

Handling Zimbra error zimlets installation failed

This is a way I found on Google and I also tried. It may be effective or ineffective for you, I have to say so.

There is a way to try it than there is no way, right?

You switch to user Zimbra.

# su zimbra

Then, run 2 commands below. It can help you install zimlets.

# cd /opt/zimbra/zimlets
# for A in *; do zmzimletctl deploy $A; done

If the above method does not work. Maybe you have to uninstall Zimbra and then reinstall it again.


This is an error that may make you confused, but you don’t need to worry. You can completely reinstall Zimbra. But this is an experience of myself, hope you won’t face it.

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