How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Zimbra 8.8.12

SystemMen - How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Zimbra 8.8.12. This article, I will guide you to do that.

Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS for Zimbra’s webmail may not be difficult, but it is a problem for beginners.

Zimbra 8.0 disable HTTP

By default, from Zimbra 8.0, it will disable the HTTP service — port 80.

But the user habit when accessing webmail is never they type https:// but simply type the domain mail as

As such, they will access the HTTP service and it does not work. This will make users uncomfortable. We have to redirect their request to HTTPS in Zimbra.

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Zimbra 8.8.12

Okey, this article, I use Zimbra 8.8.12 and install single server.

how-to-redirect-http-to-https-in-zimbra-8-8-12 How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Zimbra 8.8.12
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Zimbra 8.8.12.

First, you need to know which port 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) will go through the Zimbra proxy server. On this server will run Nginx proxy, it will perform the forwarding of user requests to the backend server within the system.

So to redirect HTTP to HTTPS, we must do it on the Zimbra proxy server (if you run multi server). As for single servers, you have only one option.

Now switch to user Zimbra.

[root@mail ~]# su zimbra

Zimbra proxy supports 5 modes, including:

  • redirect
  • both
  • http
  • https
  • mixed

You can read more at this link.

Now, use the following command to switch proxy mode to redirect.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraReverseProxyMailMode redirect

Then, restart the zimbra proxy service. And done.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmproxyctl restart
Stopping proxy…done.
Starting proxy…done.


Now you can try webmail access via http to see if it automatically redirect to https. Although the implementation is quite simple and concise, it can still be a problem for someone. Hope the article can help you.

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