Tag: openlitespeed

OpenLiteSpeed change default port 8088 to 80. By default, OpenLiteSpeed ​​will run public port 8088. So how do we change it to run port 80 like other web servers? This article I will guide you who are new to OpenLiteSpeed ​​web server to do that. OpenLiteSpeed ​​change default port 8088 to 80 OpenLiteSpeed ​​uses Listeners

How to install OpenLiteSpeed ​​PHP 7 in CentOS 7? By default, there are many web servers using PHP-5.6. Because this is a popular version and is compatible with many applications. However, when PHP 7 was released, its speed increased greatly and that made using PHP 7 more necessary. In this article, I will show you

How to install OpenLiteSpeed ​​in CentOS 7? In this article, I will guide you step by step to install the OpenLiteSpeed ​​web server in CentOS 7. OpenLiteSpeed ​​emerged as the fastest and most powerful web server available today, with many reviews showing that it is even faster than Nginx. You can learn more about it