Fix OpenVPN route gateway is not reachable

SystemMen - This article will show you how to fix the gateway route OpenVPN error that is not reachable on any active network adapters.

OpenVPN errors appear on Windows client machines

I have the OpenVPN server installed for the clients in the company to use. Everything is fine but there are some Windows computers that fail as follows.

Warning: route gateway is not reachable on any active network adapters

This error will be displayed in the status log on the client, along with the yellow OpenVPN connection icon.

It appears on Windows 10 client, Windows 7 seems to be better.

Fix OpenVPN error route gateway is not reachable

If you encounter an error above, I hope the way below will help you solve the problem.

I have done it and it’s successful with the client machine in my company.

fix-openvpn-route-gateway-is-not-reachable Fix OpenVPN route gateway is not reachable
Fix OpenVPN route gateway is not reachable.

First, below is the content of the configuration file of the client OpenVPN before fixing the error. For example, file name client.ovpn.

remote 11194
ca "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\vpnca.crt"
tls-auth "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\vpn.tlsauth" 1
auth SHA256
comp-lzo yes
dev tap
proto tcp
remote-cert-tls server
remote-cert-eku "TLS Web Server Authentication"
cipher AES-256-CBC
script-security 2

And I added the following lines to the bottom of the OpenVPN configuration file on the client.

tap-sleep 3
verb 4
route-delay 1 3
route-method exe
ip-win32 netsh

After adding the above lines at the end of the file client.ovpn, save the file. I restart OpenVPN on the client again and it connects successfully.


Above is the experience of sharing error handling that I have encountered with OpenVPN on the client. I hope it will help you in case you encounter it.

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