Tag: php 7.3

How to install CentminMod with PHP 7.3 in CentOS 7? This article will guide you to do that. Let’s start. CentminMod and PHP 7.3 At the time of this article, CentminMod has released the 123.09beta01 beta version. This version supports many things to make your hosting more powerful, including: Nginx 1.17.2 PHP 7.3.7 MariaDB 10.3.16

How to install OpenLiteSpeed ​​PHP 7 in CentOS 7? By default, there are many web servers using PHP-5.6. Because this is a popular version and is compatible with many applications. However, when PHP 7 was released, its speed increased greatly and that made using PHP 7 more necessary. In this article, I will show you

In this article, I will show you how to update VestaCP to PHP 7.3. By default with the current version (the time of this article), VestaCP will install PHP 5.6.40. This may not seem optimal when PHP 7.3 was born. And it has also demonstrated higher performance. Update VestaCP to PHP 7.3 Recommended Reading: How to