Tag: ubuntu

How to install mkdocs in Ubuntu server 18.04? MkDocs is a simple tool for building project documents. It uses markdown-style source documents and builds them into HTML documents. In this article, I will not guide you how to write markdown documents. I will guide you to install mkdocs in Ubuntu 18.04 and use it to

This article, I will guide you to install LAMP (PHP 7) on Ubuntu 16.x step by step. LAMP stack is a widely used software suite, serving millions of websites. Server requirements OS: Ubuntu 16.x, i use Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS 64bit. CPU: over 1 CPU or vCPU. RAM: over 1 GB memory. HDD: 5GB free space.

How to change the hostname in Ubuntu 16. This article will guide you how to change hostname in Ubuntu server 16. This article can be used for operating systems that are using systemd. Currently, Ubuntu version 16 or later, CentOS version 7 or later, these are the two most popular OS are using systemd. Check

In this article, I will guide you through the static IP configuration on Ubuntu server 16. Using IP is a common requirement when you build your system, you need to manage your IP closely and clearly. Check current configuration You open the ssh window to Ubuntu machine, type the following command to check if the