Tag: influxdb

How to set up HTTPS for InfluxDB server? You know, in today’s internet environment, data security is very important. Using HTTPS in database will make the data transfer between client and database server safer. This article will show you how to enable HTTPS in the InfluxDB server. Set up HTTPS for InfluxDB with a self-signed

How to install InfluxDB in CentOS 7? In this article, I will guide you step by step to install InfluxDB time series database in CentOS 7. You can install it for testing before using it. Preparation steps before installation Server information OS: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core). RAM: For testing, you can choose 1GB of

Introduction to InfluxDB time series database. In this article, I will introduce you to InfluxDB. There are many people who have never heard of this type of database. What is time series database? You may have worked with database software such as MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL server. You may be familiar with these types of databases,